左翼保守主义(俄语:Левый консерватизм)是一种将经济上的左翼社会主义、国家主权原则和保守主义相结合的政治意识形态。
- ^ Левый консерватизм: ностальгия по утопии?. 2017 [2023-11-23]. (原始内容存档于2023-11-22).
- ^ Ноговищев А. Ю. Революция в революции: выход из кризиса радикальных левых. М.: Директ-Медиа. 2024: 120—121. ISBN 978-5-4499-4088-9 (俄语).
- ^ Eric Kaufman. The Rebirth of the Left-Conservative Tradition. tabletmag. 2020-06-16 [2023-11-23]. (原始内容存档于2023-11-23).
- ^ Marta Moya. Ni aborto, ni matrimonio igualitario: la izquierda conservadora latinoamericana. ordenmundial.com. 2021-08-29 [2023-11-23]. (原始内容存档于2023-11-23) (西班牙语).
- ^ Thomas Fazi. The Curse of Lifestyle Leftism. Compact. 2022-06-19 (英语).
To reverse this decline, Wagenknecht makes the case for what she calls “left conservatism”: a left that returns to its original mission of improving the lives of the working and middle classes but also understands that doing so means rejecting globalism—turning,
- ^ Gwyn Jones, Mared. Élections européennes : ce qu'il faut savoir sur les principaux enjeux nationaux. 欧洲新闻台. 2024-06-04 [2024-09-21].
- ^ Eckner, Constantin. What the AfD's 'historic victory' means for Germany. 旁观者. 2024-09-02.
- ^ Marsh, Sarah. Germany's upcoming state elections: what to watch for. 路透社. 2024-08-30 [2024-09-21].
- ^ von Harrach, Georg. Far-right win German state election for the first time. 第四台新闻. 2024-09-02.
- ^ [6][7][8][9]
- ^ Von der Burchard, Hans. German hard-left icon set to start a new populist party. Politico. 2023-10-24 [2023-10-24]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-24).
Like the AfD, she accuses the German government of catering to urban elites and ignoring the concerns of rural voters. She also rails against the ruling coalition’s attempts to hasten the green energy transition — or, as she called it today, “blind, unplanned eco-activism” — by pushing through new rules on how Germans heat their homes.
- ^ Behrent, Michael C. The Rise of the Conservative Left. Discourse Magazine. 2024-10-09.
She denounces “wokeness” and “cancel culture” as intolerant and distant from ordinary people’s concerns.
- ^ Philipp Fritz; Klaus Geiger; Virginia Kirst; Martina Meister; Mandoline Rutkowski. Hier finden sich Hinweise auf Wagenknechts Erfolgschancen [Here are some indications of Wagenknecht's chances of success]. 世界报. 2023-10-27 (德语).
Auch hier zeigt sich eine Parallele zu Wagenknecht, die ihre Partei explizit sozialkonservativ ausrichtet und sich gegen von ihr als „woke"...
"Here, too, there is a parallel to Wagenknecht, who explicitly aligns her party with social conservatism and opposes what she calls "woke"... - ^ Nieuwe 'anti-woke' partij in Duitsland kan rekenen op veel stemmen [New 'anti-woke' party in Germany can count on many votes]. Nieuw Rechts (荷兰语).
Met haar links-nationalistische focus kan Wagenknecht stemmen winnen bij zowel linkse als rechtse kiezers die ontevreden zijn over de huidige politiek in Duitsland."
"With her left-nationalist focus, Wagenknecht can win votes from both left-wing and right-wing voters dissatisfied with current politics in Germany. - ^ Knight, Ben. Wagenknecht: A far-left challenge to Germany's far-right AfD. Deutsche Welle. 2023-10-23 [2023-10-24]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-24).
- ^ 宽恕枪手!斯洛伐克总理遇刺后首发声. 中国新闻周刊 (中文).
- ^ 宪政的出路在“红色保守主义”-文扬
- ^ Zakhar Prilepine lance en Russie un parti "conservateur de gauche" [Zakhar Prilepin launches “left-wing conservative” party in Russia]. Courrier International. 2020-02-04 [2023-11-23]. (原始内容存档于2022-12-16) (法语).