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樂律學(英語:Musical temperament)音乐学的重要组成部分,研究樂律产生,定量,测量,数学表达及相关自然属性的交叉学科。以字義來說,西方所謂的「律學」(temperament)其實是為了解決畢式律所產生的不和諧八度所產生的「調整」,本身並沒有「規律」的意義。
- ^ 沈冬. 宋代樂議研究——以《宋史.樂志》為中心 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). 2021-01-31[2021-06-25]
- Music: a Mathematical Offering (mathematical perspective with two chapters on temperament) by Dave Benson
- Tuning And Temperament A Historical Survey (1951) by J. Murray Barbour
- Essay on Musical Temperament (part 2) by Prof. Fisher (Yale College)
- "Temperament" from A supplement to Mr. Chambers's cyclopædia (1753) (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Theory and practice of just intonation (1850) by Thomas Perronet Thompson
- Elements of musical composition: comprehending the rules of thorough bass and the theory of tuning (1812) by William Crotch
- An essay on temperament (1832) by J. Jousse
- Essay on musical intervals, harmonics, and the temperament of the musical scale, &c (1835) by Wesley Stoker B. Woolhouse
- Harmonics, or The philosophy of musical sounds (1759) by Robert Smith (1689-1768)
- Modern organ tuning : the how and why? by Hermann Smith (1824-1910)
- Piano Tuning: A Simple and Accurate Method for Amateurs by Jerry Cree Fischer
- The organ viewed from within : a practical handbook on the mechanism of the organ, with a chapter on tuning by John Broadhouse
- Construction, Tuning and Care of the Piano-forte (1887) by Edward Quincy Norton
- Regulation and Repair of Piano and Player Mechanism, Together with Tuning as Science and Art (1909) by William Braid White
- Modern piano tuning and allied arts (1917) by William Braid White (1878-1959)
- Biddle, Horace Peters. The Musical Scale. Oliver Ditson & Company. 1867.