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纳粹主义 |
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- 1935年,在赫爾曼·戈林的慫恿下,希特勒宣布德國空軍上將和一級混血兒赫爾穆特·威爾伯格是雅利安人[4]。
- 阿明·侯賽尼是一名巴勒斯坦人,也是英國巴勒斯坦託管地的穆夫提,他“被納粹授予榮譽雅利安人的地位”[5][6],儘管希特勒認為中東阿拉伯的人種是“半猴子”[7][8][9]。
- 斯蒂芬妮·馮·霍恩洛厄(Stephanie von Hohenlohe)是一位已婚的猶太奧地利公主,也是納粹德國的間諜,被海因里希·希姆萊宣佈為榮譽雅利安人[10]。
- 希特勒宣稱日本人是榮譽雅利安人[11][12][13][14][15]。
- 中德從1926年開始進行廣泛的合作,但隨著中日戰爭爆發,日本堅持要求德國停止援助。1940年底,德國與日本、意大利簽訂了《三國同盟條約》。1941年7月,希特勒正式承認汪精衛在南京的傀儡政府。偷襲珍珠港後,中國於1941年12月9日正式加入同盟國並向德國宣戰。作為報復,納粹黨在國內迫害在德華人[16][17]。
- ^ Steiner, John; Freiherr von Cornberg, Jobst. Willkür in der Willkür : Befreiungen von den antisemitischen Nürnberger Gesetzen [Arbitrariness in arbitrariness:Exemptions from the anti-Semitic Nuremberg Laws] (PDF). Institut fûr Zeitgeschichte. 1998 [2022-06-16]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2021-08-20) (德语).
Den Begriff „Ehrenarier" gab es offiziell nicht, nur in der Umgangssprache. Er bedeutete wohl, daß ein jüdischer Mischling auf Grund seiner Stellung und Verdienste im Reich wie ein Arier angesehen wurde und keinerlei Anstalten machen mußte, eine Besserstellung oder Gleichstellung durch Hitler zu erreichen.
- ^ "In the Wind", The Nation Vol. 147, Issue 7. August 13, 1938
- ^ Rees, Laurence. The Holocaust: A New History. PublicAffairs. 2017 [2022-06-16]. ISBN 9781610398459. (原始内容存档于2022-06-17).
- ^ Corum, James (1997) The Luftwaffe: Creating the Operational Air War, 1918–1940. Lawrence, Kansas: University Press of Kansas. p.127 ISBN 978-0-7006-0836-2
- ^ Rigg, Bryan Mark (2002) Hitler's Jewish soldiers: the untold story of Nazi racial laws and men of Jewish descent in the German military. Lawrence, Kansas: University Press of Kansas. ISBN 978-0-7006-1178-2
- ^ Dalin David G. and Rothman, John F. (2009) Icon of Evil: Hitler's Mufti and the Rise of Radical Islam, Transaction Publishers. p.47 ISBN 978-1-4128-1077-7.
- ^ Ahmed, Akbar. Journey into Europe: Islam, Immigration, and Identity. Brookings Institution Press. 2018: 380 [23 March 2020]. ISBN 9780815727590. (原始内容存档于2022-06-16) (英语).
Hitler's contempt for non-Aryan peoples, however, was difficult to contain: He is on record as referring to Arabs as "half-monkeys."
- ^ Stefan Wild. National Socialism in the Arab near East between 1933 and 1939. Die Welt des Islams. New Series. 1985, 25 (1/4): 126–173. JSTOR 1571079. doi:10.2307/1571079.
Wir werden weiterhin die Unruhe in Fernost und in Arabien schüren. Denken wir als Herren und sehen in diesen Völkern bestenfalls lackierte Halbaffen, die die Knute spüren wollen. (We will continue to stir up unrest in the Far East and in Arabia. Let us think as Men and at best we will see lacquered half-monkeys in these peoples who want to feel the whip.)
- ^ Al-Hamarneh, Ala and Thielmann, Jorn (2008) Islam and Muslims in Germany. Brill. ISBN 9789004158665 p.203,n.49 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- ^ Jim Wilson (2011) Nazi Princess: Hitler, Lord Rothermere and Princess Stephanie von Hohenlohe ISBN 978-0-7524-6114-4.
- ^ Farrell, Joseph P. Reich of the Black Sun: Nazi Secret Weapons & the Cold War Allied Legend illustrated. Adventures Unlimited Press. 2004: 117 [30 July 2018]. ISBN 9781931882392. (原始内容存档于2022-06-16) (英语).
- ^ Adams, James Truslow. History of the United States: Cumulative (loose-leaf) history of the United States. C. Scribner's sons. 1933: 260, 436 [30 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于2022-06-20) (英语).
- ^ Delgado, Richard; Stefancic, Jean. Critical White Studies: Looking Behind the Mirror. Temple University Press. 1997: 53 [30 July 2018]. ISBN 9781439901519. (原始内容存档于2022-06-16) (英语).
- ^ Narula, Uma; Pearce, W. Barnett. Cultures, Politics, and Research Programs: An International Assessment of Practical Problems in Field Research. Routledge. 2012: 105 [30 July 2018]. ISBN 9781136462689. (原始内容存档于2022-06-16) (英语).
- ^ Snyder (1976). Encyclopedia of the Third Reich, p. 170.
- ^ Griffith, Ike. Germans and Chinese. Cal University Press. 1999.
- ^ Kirby, William. Germany and Republican China. Stanford University Press. 1984. ISBN 0-8047-1209-3.