波切斯特城堡(英語:Portchester Castle)是英國的一座中世紀時期的城堡,位於漢普郡朴茨茅斯的北端的城市波切斯特。城堡修建於11世紀後期。在歷史上曾一度被法國佔領。現在波切斯特城是英國的一級保護建築。同時波切斯特城還對一般遊客開放。
- Cunliffe, Barry W., Excavations at Portchester Castle 1: Roman, London: Society of Antiquaries of London Research Report, 1975
- Cunliffe, Barry W.; Munby, J. T., Excavations at Portchester Castle 4: Medieval, the inner bailey, London: Society of Antiquaries of London Research Report, 1985
- Frieda, Leonie, Catherine de Medici, London: Phoenix, 2005, ISBN 0-7538-2039-0
- Gillingham, John, John (1167–1216), king of England, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (需要订阅或英国公共图书馆会员资格), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004 [2015-03-19], (原始内容存档于2017-01-20)
- Goodall, John, Portchester Castle 2nd, London: English Heritage, 2008 [2003], ISBN 978-1-84802-007-8
- Harriss, G. L., Richard (1385–1415), earl of Cambridge, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (需要订阅或英国公共图书馆会员资格), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004 [2015-03-19], (原始内容存档于2016-03-04)
- Ridgeway, H. W., Henry III (1207–1272), king of England, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (需要订阅或英国公共图书馆会员资格), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004 [2015-03-19], (原始内容存档于2021-02-22)
- Rigold, S. E., Portchester Castle, Hampshire, London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1965
- Portchester Castle with English Heritage (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Bibliography of sources relating to Portchester Castle (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- The Collection of material relating to the French prisoners' theatricals at Portchester Castle, 1810s (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) is held by the Victoria and Albert Museum Theatre and Performance Department.