
- "Ai Se Eu Te Pego" (假如我捕獲了你)- 一首巴西葡萄牙语歌曲,由巴西歌手米歇爾·泰洛在Música sertaneja的高峰热潮中流行。这首歌的主要发行在国际上取得了成功,並且使这首歌在网上疯传。[1][2]这首歌在公告牌百强单曲榜上排第81名[3]。而該音樂影片目前觀看次數超過9.5億次[4]。
- "Axel F" - 一首由Crazy Frog製作的《比佛利山警探》主題曲混音版,这首歌在2005年的英国排行榜以及欧洲不同国家的排行榜上均名列第一,而这首歌近年来在国际上风靡一时。[5]目前,其音乐影片在YouTube上的觀看次數已超过15亿次。[6]
- "Baby Shark Dance" (鲨鱼宝宝)— 由韩国教育品牌碰碰狐制作的儿童爆紅教育音乐视频,因其罂粟節奏和重复歌词而广为传播。[7]它是目前观看次数最多的YouTube影片,截至2021年9月,观看次数已超过93亿次。[8]
- "Bad and Boujee" – 饒舌團體Migos (米戈斯) 的歌曲。当人们在“Raindrop, droptop”这一行上进行编辑时,这首歌成为了一个迷因。[9]使該影片的观看次数超过 10 亿次。[10] Takeoff's response to being left off the track spawned other memes due to interviewers not being able to hear him.[11][12]
- "罗曼死"— 女神卡卡的歌曲。
- "慢慢來" - 官方〈慢慢來〉音樂錄影帶在YouTube上觀看次數僅花97天時間在2017年8月20日突破十億次,此項紀錄僅次於愛黛兒的〈你好〉[13];截至2017年8月,這首歌以29億觀看次數的成績拿下全球YouTube影片觀看次數最多者[14];此外,〈慢慢來〉也是首支也是最快突破30、40、50、60及70億次的音樂影片[15][16][17],而在小賈斯汀混音版發行之後,這首歌飙升至公告牌百强单曲榜前10名。[18]这首歌也连续 16 周在第一名达到顶峰,与瑪麗亞·凱莉和大人小孩雙拍檔的〈甜蜜一日〉并驾齐驱。另外,它是目前最受欢迎的YouTube影片,截至2021年1月已获得超过4200万个赞。[19]
- "Every Breath You Take"
- "Eye of the Tiger"
- "江南Style" – 韓國饒舌歌手PSY的歌曲以及其音樂錄影帶,展示了他在许多古怪的地方跳「騎馬舞」並說出他的标语「哥哥是江南STYLE」 (韓語:오빠 강남스타일),進而导致迅速传播以及該单曲进入国际音乐排行榜[20][21];在YouTube上,為首支突破10及20億次的影片,在2012年11月24日打破小賈斯汀的〈寶貝〉之後成為全球最多觀看的影片,直到2017年7月10日被维兹·卡利法的〈當我們再相見〉打破為止[22];截至2020年10月,該影片在YouTube上觀看次數超過38億次[23]
- "Gangsta's Paradise"
- "神的旨意" — 加拿大饒舌歌手德雷克製作的爆紅歌曲。他的歌词以及德雷克在整个音乐视频中所做的一些善行使其得以传播并成为迷因。[24][25][26] 这首歌在公告牌百强单曲榜中排名第一,在YouTube上的观看次数已超过10亿。[27][28]
- "Gucci Gang" – 美國饒舌歌手利爾·龐普的歌曲及其音樂影片。歌曲多次重复歌曲的标题,导致歌曲成为互联网迷因,並使其他人对歌曲进行编辑。[29]这首歌还在公告牌百强单曲榜上排名第3,[30]并累积了超过8.9亿次观看次數。[31]
- "哈瓦那" — 以古巴城市及卡蜜拉·卡貝優的出生地命名的歌曲。这首歌是女歌手自1996年以来第一首在公告牌的多个排行榜上名列前茅的歌曲,[32]並在公告牌百强单曲榜中排名第一。[33]截至2019年10月,官方音乐影片在YouTube上的觀看次數超过10亿次[34],而其音檔版本的觀看次數超过 16亿次。[35]
- "你好" – 阿黛尔于2015年10月发行的歌曲在數位商业上取得了重大成功,成为第一首在发行后一周内售出 100 万张的歌曲。它的音樂影片主要以阿黛尔透过电话交谈演唱她的歌曲为特色,导致与其他歌曲的几首混搭,包括莱昂纳尔·里奇的同名歌曲,其主题与其影片相似。[36][37]此外,截至2018年2月,该影片创下了在YouTube上达到10亿次观看次数的最快记录,在发布后的88天内达到了这一记录。[13]截至2018年10月,该影片在YouTube上的观看次数已超过24亿次。[38]
- "High Hopes"
- "Hot Nigga" – 美國饒舌歌手鲍比·什穆尔达的歌曲。2014年於Vine使用者中流行並導致由碧昂絲[39]和NFL接球手布兰登·吉布森表演的Shmoney舞蹈迷因[40],一行歌詞寫道的"About a week ago!"在葡萄藤中也有很多特色;截至2019年3月,MV觀看次數有5.2億次。[41]
- "Hotline Bling" – 德雷克在2015年10月發行的歌曲以及其音樂影片;該MV主要包括德雷克与女性表演者在明亮的背景下跳舞;德雷克的舞蹈风格被认为是「愚蠢的」[42],就像「完全傻瓜」一样[43],导致互联网使用者不是根据他们认为更合适的其他歌曲重新采样影片,而是自己重新创作舞蹈;到2018年10為止,MV在YouTube上超過14億次觀看。[44]
- "感覺對了"
- "Lahore" - 谷魯·蘭達瓦在2017年12月發行的歌曲以及其音樂影片。這是在T-Series YouTube主頻道上最多觀看次數的影片(7.9億次)。[45]
- "Laung Laachi" - 2019年12月,電影Laung Laachi的旁遮普語主題曲在印度為最多觀看的歌曲影片,同時也是首个观看次数超过10亿次的音乐影片。此外更是T-Series發布的影片中最多觀看者(在「T-Series Apna Punjab」YT頻道發布)。[46][47]
- "Lift Yourself"
- "看是你逼我的" – 泰勒絲在2017年8月27日發行的歌曲與其音樂影片。这首歌的音乐影片打破了24小时内观看次数最多的音乐影片的记录,首日在YouTube上的观看次数达到了4320万次,超过了阿黛尔的〈你好〉的2770万次观看次数,甚至還超過PSY的〈Gentleman〉的3600萬次的紀錄,並成为前24小时内观看次数第三多的在线影片[48][49];這也是最快破2、3﹑4億次以及第二快破1、5、6億次的影片[來源請求];截至2019年10月,在YouTube上觀看次數超過11億次。[50]
- "永不放弃你"
- "鄉村老街" – 利尔·纳斯·X的歌曲在2019年初頗為流行;此后,它已成为"Yeehaw Challenge"下,应用程式TikTok上的一项挑战[51][52];这首歌得到了小賈斯汀的支持,因而在德克萨斯理工大学於NCAA锦标赛中获胜后播放,并在亚特兰大老鹰队的篮球比赛中播放[51][53];这首歌的受欢迎程度使其在公告牌百强单曲榜上排名第一,在许多其他国家也是如此。它在公告牌百强单曲榜上排名第一並持續13周以上而成为仅有的12首单曲之一[54][55],此后,该可视化工具版本在YouTube上的观看次数已超7600万次[56];另外,与乡村歌手比利·雷·赛勒斯合作的混音版发行後,进一步提高了歌曲的受欢迎程度。因此混音版音檔影片在YouTube上的观看次数已超过5.5亿次[57][58];这首歌的两个版本都使〈鄉村老街〉成为美国一周内播放量最高的歌曲,播放量超过1.43亿,超过了播放量达到1.162亿的德雷克〈In My Feelings〉[59];后来发布了一段音乐影片:从1889年开始,然后过渡到2019年,该音乐视频还全程有多个客串[60]。截至2021年1月,其音檔版本在YouTube上的浏览量已超过5.55亿次。[61]
- "當我們再相見" – 由维兹·卡利法和CP查理演唱的2017年電影《玩命關頭7》官方電影原聲帶,是對《玩命關頭7》製作期間意外去世的保羅·沃克致敬;這首歌變得受歡迎,在181天內破十億次觀看[13];这首歌也曾一度成为观看次数最多的YouTube影片,直到24天后被Despacito超越為止[62][63];截至2019年10月,這首歌觀看次數超過46億次,並成為目前第四多觀看的YouTube影片。[64]
- "单身女士(给它戴上戒指)" - 碧昂絲在2008年10月發行的歌曲與其音樂影片。音乐录影带以黑白方式拍摄,碧昂丝身着单肩黑色紧身连衣裤,周围有两名伴舞表演舞蹈,这将导致影片的流行。该影片被认为是「新千年和互联网的第一次主要舞蹈热潮」的开始[65];许多名人都对这首歌和音樂影片进行了模仿和致敬,包括前总统贝拉克·奥巴马、汤姆·汉克斯、喬·強納斯、葛妮·卡戴珊、科勒·卡戴珊和金·卡戴珊;克里斯·柯爾弗和希瑟·莫里斯将舞蹈作为「Glee Live! In Concert!」的一部分;截至2019年3月,該音樂影片在YouTube上擁有超過6.9億次觀看。[66]
- "星聞人物"
- "謝謝,下一位" — 2018年爱莉安娜·格兰德歌曲,在11月30日發布其音樂影片。这首歌在公告牌百强单曲榜上名列前茅[67],且在3天10小時內破億觀看,並成為最快的歌曲之一[68],也在24小時內達到5540萬次觀看,打破了YouTube與Vevo的24小時記錄[69];該音乐影片以名人科琳·巴林格、強納森·班奈、斯蒂芬妮·德拉蒙德、斯科特·尼科尔森、特洛伊·希文和加比·德马蒂诺为特色[70][71],它还引用了电影《辣妹過招》、《魅力四射》、《三十姑娘一朵花》和《律政俏佳人》[71];截至2021年1月,該音樂影片在YouTube上觀看次數超過6.05億次。[72]
- "狐狸(狐狸怎麼叫?)" – 挪威喜剧二人组Ylvis为他们的电视节目准备的2013年歌曲和相关影片。这首歌的歌詞记录了其他动物发出的声音,但在合唱中,问一只狐狸发出什么声音,这首歌提供了诸如"gering-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding!"和"fraka-kaka-kaka-kaka-kow!"之类的无意义短语,而影片也出现了同样有趣的转折;该影片在发布后的几周内获得了超过4300万次點閱,在音乐排行榜上名列前茅,并导致Ylvis与华纳兄弟唱片公司签约[73];截至2020年6月,該影片在YouTube上超過10億次觀看。[74]
- "小熊軟糖之歌" – Gummibär的泡泡糖舞曲已经成为病毒式的轰动,并且是德国独立艺术家的第一首获得10亿点击量的歌曲。[75]截至2019年3月,該影片在YouTube上擁有超過16億觀看次數。[76]
- "这就是美国" – 唐納·葛洛佛的爆紅歌曲。該影片介紹關於美國的現狀,也在整个过程中提供了其他参考;格洛弗一开始走的方式是吉姆·克勞的代表,他的动作代表了吟游诗人秀:一种嘲弄非裔美国人的娱乐形式;该影片还提到了2015年查尔斯顿教堂大屠杀、使用手机记录警察射杀黑人、《启示录》、其他与汽车有关的事情以及《逃出絕命鎮》[77][78];该影片在24小时内的观看次数也超过了1290万次,在3天内达到了5000万次[79],而目前觀看次數超過5.1億次。[80]
- "Turn Down for What" – 唱片制作人DJ蛇王和饒舌歌手利尔·乔恩创作的2014年歌曲和影片,在利尔·乔恩大喊"Turn Down For What!"后,由于Bass drop而走紅[81];截至2019年3月,該影片在YouTube上超過8.4億次觀看。[82]
- "Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae)" - 由塞伦托製作的爆紅影片,其独特的动作被其他粉丝模仿,使这首歌在公告牌百强单曲榜上排名第三[83];截至2019年3月,這首歌的點閱數已超过16亿次。[84][85]

This section includes music videos with less than 500 million views.
- "1-800-273-8255"
- "Badgers" — A viral song and video by MrWeebl featuring badgers jumping up and down accompanied with catchy lyrics.[86] The dancing badgers helped Picking's website Weebl's Stuff win a People's Choice award from users of Yahoo! in the UK.[87]
- "Bed Intruder Song" – A remix by the Gregory Brothers of a televised news interview of Antoine Dodson, the brother of a victim of a home invasion and attempted assault. The music video became a mainstream success, reaching the Billboard Hot 100, and became the most watched YouTube video of 2010.[88][89] The video also coined the phrase "Hide yo kids, hide yo wife," that later became a meme.
- "Bitch Lasagna" - A song by the Swedish YouTuber Pewdiepie in collaboration with Dutch music producer Party In Backyard. The song satirizes Indian music label T-Series and used racism and Indian-stereotypes, as a response to predictions that T-Series would surpass PewDiePie in terms of subscriber count which soon became true. And was later banned in India by Delhi High Court. The song was one of the first events in the PewDiePie vs T-Series competition, in which the two channels competed for the title of the most-subscribed channel on YouTube.[90][91][92][93]
- "Chacarron Macarron" - Song by Panamanian artists Rodney Clark (El Chombo) and Andres de la Cruz (also known as Andy's Val Gourmet). It is a reworking of the original version from 2003 by Andy's Val Gourmet, who is credited as 'Andy's Val' on the release.[94] The song gained attention online when the chorus was used on a YTMND page by the name of "Ualuealuealeuale" which was created sometime in late 2005. Chacarron Macarron became viral on the Internet owing to its nonsensical lyrics and odd music video.[95][96]
- "Chinese Food" - A song and music video by Alison Gold recorded with the controversial ARK Music Factory, the same company behind Rebecca Black's viral song "Friday". The song was called "The New Friday" as well as being called racist.[97]
- "Chocolate Rain" – A song and music video written and performed by Tay Zonday (also known as Adam Nyerere Bahner). After being posted on YouTube on 22 April 2007, the song quickly became a popular viral video. By December 2009, the video had received over 40 million views.[98][99] As of October 2018, the song has over 119 million views.[100]
- "Congratulations" - A song by Swedish YouTuber Pewdiepie, Swedish singer/musician Roomie and English musician Boyinaband.[101][102][103] The single was self-released on 31 March 2019 with an accompanying music video on YouTube as a response to T-Series surpassing PewDiePie as the most subscribed channel on YouTube. The music video is banned on YouTube India.[104][105][106]
- "Crab Rave" – A song and music video written and animated by Irish DJ and music producer Eoin O'Broin (known as his stage name Noisestorm).[107] Although the song was initially released as an April Fool's Day joke for the Canadian record label Monstercat, it soon gained popularity because of the music video featuring thousands of computer-animated dancing crabs.[108] The song peaked at number 32 in the "Hot Dance/Electronic Songs" category in the Billboard charts, surpassed over 1 million (U.S) online streams in the week ending November 22, 2018, and gained over 50 million views on the "Monstercat: Instinct" YouTube channel.[109][110]
- "Da Coconut Nut" - A song by Filipino national artist Ryan Cayabyab originally popularized by the band Smokey Mountain in 1991.[111][112][113]
- "Dat $tick" – A song by Indonesian rapper, Rich Brian. This song went viral after many rappers react to this song.[114]
- "Don't Drop That Thun Thun" - A song and viral video by The FiNATTiCZ. The song became popular to a twerking mashup of the song posted on Vine. The song peaked at No. 35 on the Billboard Hot 100.[115]
- "Firework" - Katy Perry Jodi DiPiazza duet" -A duet from the television special Night of Too Many Stars, it received 4 Million views in the first 4 days[116] and was the most viral video on YouTube for a short period of time.[117]
- "Friday" – A 2011 music video sung by 13-year-old Rebecca Black, partially funded by her mother, which received over 200 million views on YouTube[118] and spread in popularity through social media services.[119]
- "Gokuraku Jodo" – A J-pop song by Japanese pop duo Garnidelia. The song was released on July 28, 2016 accompanied with a dance music video. It spread to the Chinese video website Bilibili and quickly became viral in China, leading to various spoofs and mimicking dances.[120][121] As of 27 June 2020, the video received 63 million hits on YouTube.
- "Gwiyomi" – A K-pop single by the South Korean indie musician Hari. The song was released on 18 February 2013 and is based on an Internet meme known as the Gwiyomi Player, which was invented in October 2012 by the K-pop idol Jung Il Hoon and has inspired many similar versions uploaded onto the Internet by Asian netizens.[122][123]
- "It's Everyday Bro" – A song by actor and YouTube personality Jake Paul which went viral due to a line by Nick Crompton which stated England was a city.[124] The video accumulated over 216 million views[125] and has become the third most disliked YouTube video.
- "Lolly Bomb" - An official music video by Russian rave band Little Big. It featured the fictional love story of Howard X, an impersonator of Kim Jong-Un, where he fell in love with a missile.[126] The music video has amassed over 122 million views on YouTube.[127]
- "Mine" - A viral song and meme by Bazzi. The video created the meme "You so fuckin' precious when you smile" from a lyric in the song.[128][129][130] The song also peaked at number 11 on the Billboard Hot 100[131] and the music video has over 130 million views on YouTube.[132]
- "Toy" - Israeli singer Netta Barzilai won 2018 Eurovision Song Contest with her song Toy. The song has become viral, it was played on many European radio stations and it's currently the most watched video on the official Eurovision YouTube channel.[133]
- OK Go music videos – Several of the band's award-winning videos incorporate unique concepts, such as dancing on treadmills in "Here It Goes Again",[134] a giant Rube Goldberg machine in "This Too Shall Pass",[135][136] or a choreographed one-shot routine using over a dozen trained dogs in "White Knuckles".[137] As such, they often go viral within a few days of their release. Their music video for "The Muppet Show Theme Song" won a Webby Award for "Viral Video" in 2012.[138]
- "One Pound Fish" – A sales pitch song written and sung by Muhammad Shahid Nazir, a fish stall vendor in London, that became a viral hit and led to Nazir getting a recording contract.[139]
- "Pants on the Ground" – First sung by "General" Larry Platt during the season 9 auditions of American Idol in Atlanta, Georgia, on 13 January 2010. Within one week, the video was seen by approximately 5 million on YouTube, had over 1 million fans on Facebook, and was repeated on television by Jimmy Fallon and Brett Favre.[140]
- "Rappin' For Jesus" – A song by Pastor & Mrs. Jim Colerick. The video was made to promote a Christian youth outreach program. The video features Pastor & Mrs. Colerick rapping about how to be a Christian. The video went viral because of the line "That's cause Jesus Christ is my n**ga" which many took as a racial slur. Due to this and the strange nature of the video, it gained over 47 million views.[141]
- "Red Solo Cup" – Toby Keith's recording of a drinking song devoted to the Solo disposable cup became a viral hit, with the video logging over 49 million views on YouTube and the song eventually becoming Keith's biggest hit on the Billboard Hot 100.[142][143]
- "Shia LaBeouf Live" – A song by singer-songwriter Rob Cantor that depicts Shia LaBeouf as a cannibal who kills people for sport. Due to the ridiculous manner of the song the song went viral and has accumulated over 57 million views.[144]
- "United Breaks Guitars" – A video by the band Sons of Maxwell, recounting how United Airlines broke a guitar belonging to band member Dave Carroll. The video reached 11 million views, was named one of the top ten of 2009,[145] and created speculation that it had caused a $180 million drop in the airline's stock value.[146]
- "What What (In the Butt)" – A viral music video set to a song about anal sex by gay recording artist Samwell. The video was posted on Valentine's Day 2007, and two weeks later had already been viewed 500,000 times.[147] It was subsequently parodied on the South Park episode, "Canada on Strike", which poked fun at several other Internet memes and personalities.
- "Who Let the Dogs Out"
- " You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack" - The title track from You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack gained over 3 million views.
- "Kids with Down syndrome singing A Thousand Years" — A viral interpretation of A Thousand Years sung by kids with Down syndrome.[148][來源可靠?] The video was shared on Twitter by the song's author, Christina Perri.[149] The video currently has over 4.8 million views,[150] and was for World Down Syndrome Day.
- "Canon Rock" – A rock arrangement of the Canon in D by JerryC which became famous when covered by funtwo and others.[151][152]
- "Hey" (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) – In 2005 two 20yo Israeli film school students Tasha and Disha filmed their fun dance and lip-sych to the song Pixies released as a track on album Doolittle in 1989. One of the first truly viral YouTube videos, viewed over 34 million times.[153][154] At a result of a viral success girls met the Pixies (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) at the 2014 and the group did the video clip (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) to a new song with now 30yo "youtube sensation girls" as a main characters for a video.
- "Howard The Alien" - A green screen video of an alien dancing to Money Longer by Lil Uzi Vert. The original green screen video was uploaded to YouTube by the "3D Animation Land" channel in December 2017. It began gaining attention when an iFunny post combined the animation with Money Longer with the caption "imagine having sleep paralysis and seeing this as the foot of bed just fuckin breakin it down and you cant do anything about it like you hear the music in the back and everything bruh."[155][156]
- "I Dreamed a Dream" by Susan Boyle - In 2009, Boyle, an unknown singer, 47 at the time, auditioned for Britain's Got Talent with the song surprising the jury, the public and the world with her interpretation. The programme received high ratings and Boyle's performance was quickly added to sites such as YouTube, where millions of people viewed it in the first month alone.[157][158]
- "The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody" – A 2009 music video featuring The Muppets performing a modified version of Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody". The video received over seven million hits within its first week of release on YouTube, and by 2012, it had earned over 25 million hits. The video won the "Viral Video" category in the 14th Annual Webby Awards.[159]
- "Numa Numa" with Gary Brolsma video of Romanian song "Dragostea din tei" by O-Zone. The video released on December 6, 2004, on the website Newgrounds.com, shows Brolsma lip-synching the hit song with lively gesticulations and dance moves.[98][160]
- "Pop Culture" – A 2011 YouTube video of a live mash-up by the musician Hugo Pierre Leclercq aka "Madeon", aged 17 at the time, using a Novation touchpad to mix samples from 39 different songs. The video went viral within a few days of being posted, and led to Leclercq's fame in the electronica music genre.[161][162]
- "Redbone" by girl selling Girl Scout cookies - A video by a 6-year-old girl and her father where they were trying to sell Girl Scout cookies. The popularity of the song led to the sales of her cookies skyrocketing.[163] The popularity of the song also led her to appear on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert with the artist of the original song, Donald Glover.[164]

- "Space Oddity" by Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield - Performed and recorded during a space mission on Soyuz TMA-07M. The cover of the famous David Bowie song is set in zero gravity against spectacular views of Earth with Hadfield singing and playing the guitar. The video also generated a great deal of media exposure.[167]
- "Twelve Days of Christmas" by a cappella group Straight No Chaser went viral in 2007 and led to the group being signed by Atlantic Records.[168]
- "We Are the World 25 for Haiti (YouTube edition)" is a massively collaborative crowdsourced charity video, involving 57 geographically distributed unsigned or independent contributors, that was produced by Canadian singer-songwriter and YouTube personality Lisa Lavie to raise money for victims of 12 January 2010 Haiti earthquake.[169] The video received repeated coverage on CNN,[169] and the video's participants were collectively named ABC News "Persons of the Week" on U.S. national television by television journalist Diane Sawyer in March 2010.[170]
- "Yodeling Walmart Boy" — A video of Mason Ramsey yodeling to Lovesick Blues in his local Walmart. The song and video went viral and led him to become a celebrity. This version also made the original song peak at number 3 on the Spotify Top 50 viral charts.[171] The song also led Mason to be on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, have a concert at his own Walmart, and perform at the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival.[172][173]
- "Xue hua piao piao bei feng xiao xiao" — A selfie video of a bald Chinese man singing the chorus verse of Fei Yu-ching's song Yi jian mei in a snowy background, first uploaded to Kuaishou in January 2020, was shared to Western social media, and quickly became viral on TikTok and Spotify by May 2020, leading to various covers and spoofs.[174]
- "Dumb Ways to Die" – A music video featuring "a variety of cute characters killing themselves in increasingly idiotic ways" that went viral through sharing and social media. It was part of a public service announcement advertisement campaign by Metro Trains in Melbourne, Australia to promote rail safety.[175][176]
- Mandatory Fun album and the #8days8videos campaign – A viral marketing campaign by comedy singer/songwriter "Weird Al" Yankovic to promote his 2014 album Mandatory Fun by releasing eight videos for the new album over eight consecutive days across different streaming providers. The Internet-aided approach was considered very successful, leading to the album to become Yankovic's first number one hit in his 32-year career and became the first comedy album to hit Number 1 on the Billboard charts in over 50 years.[177][178][179]
- Beat Energy Gap - a 2017 advertisement originally produced by Nestlé Philippines to promote the product, MILO, with actor James Reid as the endorser.[180][181] The success of the advertisement and the song's catchy lyrics and upbeat theme[182] led many internet users to make parodies featuring the song. One notable example of this is remixing K-pop videos to the song.[183]

- "Crank That (Soulja Boy)" - Debut single by American rapper Soulja Boy and is accompanied by the "Soulja Boy dance". The song is recognized by its looping steel drum riff. The song also peaked at number one on the Billboard Hot 100.[184] As of February 2018, the video has over 330 million views on YouTube.
- "STOOPID (6ix9ine)" - Single by American rapper 6ix9ine and is accompanied by the "STOOPID dance". The song ended up being used in many memes, and also became into a viral dance challenge on TikTok.
- Dame Tu Cosita - A viral dance song made by Panamanian rapper El Chombo that originated on social media platform Musical.ly. The video features a green alien dancing.[185] It is accompanied with the #DameTuCosita challenge, which features people trying to recreate the dance.[186]
- "Dancing Banana" – An animated banana dancing to the song "Peanut Butter Jelly Time" by the Buckwheat Boyz.[187][188]
- Ghetto Kids of Uganda dancing "Sitya Loss" - A viral song of Ugandan singer Eddy Kenzo who featured the four Ugandan boys Alex Ssempijja, Fred and Isaac Tumusiime, Bashir Lubega and the girl Patricia Nabakooza dancing improvised moves in a competitive manner to his song. The video was made by Big Talent Entertainment and JahLive Films, and was directed by Mugerwa Frank.[189]
- Hampster Dance – A page filled with hamsters dancing, linking to other animated pages. It spawned a fictional band complete with its own CD album release.[190]
- Harlem Shake – A video based on Harlem shake dance, originally created by YouTube personality Filthy Frank and using an electronica version of the song by Baauer. In such videos, one person is dancing or acting strange among a room full of others going about routine business, until after the drop and a video cut, everyone starts dancing or acting strangely. The attempts to recreate the dance has led to a viral spread on YouTube.[191][192]
- "Hit the Quan" — A viral song by iLoveMemphis that started the #HitTheQuanChallenge, resulting in people dancing to the video.[84][193] The song peaked at number 15 on the Billboard Hot 100.[194] The music video currently has over 57 million views on YouTube.[195]
- "Indian Thriller" – A viral scene from the Indian film Donga with added subtitles phonetically approximating the original lyrics as English sentences.[196]
- In My Feelings — A 2018 song by Drake from his recent studio album. The song went viral thanks to the "In My Feelings Challenge" (Also known as the Do The Shiggy Challenge). The challenge was replicated by many celebrities, such as football player Odell Beckham Jr., actor Will Smith, hosts Kelly & Ryan from the talk show Live with Kelly and Ryan and many others.[197][198][199][200][201] The popularity of the dance challenge led to the song peaking on top of the Billboard Hot 100.[202]
- JK Wedding Entrance Dance – The wedding procession for Jill Peterson and Kevin Heinz of St. Paul, Minnesota, choreographed to the song Forever by Chris Brown. Popularized on YouTube with 1.75 million views in less than five days in 2009.[203] The video was later imitated in an episode of The Office on NBC.[204]
- "Juju on That Beat (TZ Anthem)" - A viral song and meme made by two Detroit teenagers Zay Hilfigerrr & Zayion McCall. Many people have tried to replicate their dance moves, with the #TZAnthem Challenge.[205] The song charted on Billboard Hot 100, peaking at number 5.[206]
- Little Superstar – A video of King kong, a short Indian actor, break-dancing to MC Miker G & DJ Sven's remix of the Madonna song "Holiday", in a clip from a 1990 Tamil film Adhisaya Piravi, featuring actor Rajnikanth.[207][208]
- Passinho do Romano - The dance was born in the east of São Paulo, Brazil, known initially by Passinho do Romano. Because it was created in Jardim Romano in the region of Itaim Paulista. A dance that consists basically of light steps, with soft uses of heels, free arms with break, dubstep, robot steps and funk itself gained strength in the community and quickly became popular.[209]
- Rolex - Viral song made by duo Ayo & Teo. The song is accompanied with the #RolexChallenge, which features people trying to replicate the dance.[210][211] The song peaked at number 20 on the Billboard Hot 100,[212] and has over 350 million views.[213]
- Scooby Doo Papa — A viral song and dance video made by New York DJ DJ Kass. Many people have tried to recreate the dance on social media.[214][215] The song also peaked at number 9 on the Billboard Hot Latin chart.[216]
- "Skibidi" – A song and viral music video by Russian rave band Little Big. The release sparked a dance craze in part to the "Skibidi Challenge" issued by the band.[217] The video went viral days after release, gaining 28 million views in 2 weeks.[218]
- Techno Viking – A Nordic raver dancing in a technoparade in Berlin.[219]
- "Thriller" by the CPDRC Dancing Inmates – A recreation of Michael Jackson's hit performed by prisoners at the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center (CPDRC) in the Philippines.[220] As of January 2010, it is among the ten most popular videos on YouTube with over 20 million hits.[221]

- Anime Music Videos/MADs – A staple of anime conventions both in Japan and Western countries, these fan-made videos take footage from other anime works and re-edit them in separate order, addition of new soundtracks (including to full-length songs), and other manipulations such as lip-syncing characters to lyrics; with the propagation of the Internet and popularity of anime in the United States in 2003, this type of user-created content developed, and extend to include footage from other works including video games and Western animation.[222][223]
- 80's remix – A series of videos where contemporary pop music is reinterpreted as songs released during the 1980s.[224][225]
- Sergey Stepanov, aka Epic Sax Guy – A Moldovan musician who quickly gained Internet attention after performing in the Eurovision Song Contest 2010 as part of the SunStroke Project. The performance of Stepanov miming a saxophone solo of Moldova's entry[226] has been remixed and looped for ten hours. The group have embraced the Internet attention and has mentioned 'Epic Sax Guy' in some of their singles, including a single called 'Epic Sax'. In the 2017 contest, SunStroke Project returned with Stepanov, who later played the signature riff live during an interview.[227]
- Hurra Torpedo – A Norwegian band whose coast-to-coast tour was a viral campaign to promote the Ford Fusion car.[228]
- Lip dub – Although lip dubbing in music videos was not a new concept, Jake Lodwick, the co-founder of Vimeo, coined the term "lip dubbing" on December 14, 2006, in a video entitled Lip Dubbing: Endless Dream.[229][230] Lodwick subsequently directed the "Flagpole Sitta" "office lip dub" in April 2007, which The Washington Post covered.[231][232] vSince then, dozens of lip dubs have been coordinated around the world by students. After L'Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) produced a lip dub to The Black Eyed Peas' "I Gotta Feeling" in 2009, the viral video phenomenon gained international acclaim.[233]
- Lucian Piane, aka RevoLucian – Created several popular celebrity techno remixes, including a spoof on actor Christian Bale titled "Bale Out"[234]
- Literal music video – Covers of music videos where the original lyrics have been replaced with ones that literally describe the events that occur in the video, typically disconnected with the original lyrics of the song.[235][236]
- Nightcore - A type of music that started as a subgenre of trance and is still considered so by many people. Nightcore is characterized by a sped-up melody (sometimes), fast rhythmic beat (usually), and always higher than normal pitch. Almost all nightcore music are original songs nightcored (remixed into nightcore) by nightcore fans. Nightcore was introduced in 2002 and began its spread to the internet in mid 2005.[237]
- "Pink Season" - An album by artist and YouTube personality Filthy Frank, under his "Pink Guy" persona. The album consists of various tracks that are often overly vulgar and comedic. The album went viral on its release and soared to the top of the iTunes charts.[238]
- Rickrolling – A phenomenon involving posting a URL in an Internet forum that appears to be relevant to the topic at hand, but is, in fact, a link to a video of Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up". The practice originated on 4chan as a "Duckroll", in which an image of a duck on wheels was what was linked to. The practice of Rickrolling became popular after April Fools' Day in 2008 when YouTube rigged every feature video on its home page to Rick Astley's song.[239][240]
- "Sandstorm" – A phenomenon which involves answering a question about song's name. For example, in the comments of a YouTube video with Darude's 1999 song Sandstorm, no matter what the song in the video is.[241]
- "You Reposted in the Wrong Neighborhood " – A mashup by SHOKK 青 of Shake That by Eminem featuring Nate Dogg and Casin by glue70. The song went viral when the remixes' instrumental was put to other songs.[242]
- 009 Sound System - An electronic music project by Alexander Perls that gained popularity on YouTube after its implementation of the AudioSwap system on the website, which replaced copyrighted music with a Creative Commons licensed track. Since the track names were in alphabetical sorting, 009 Sound System tracks were first on the list, which made them the most used ones. Most popular tracks were "With a Spirit", "Dreamscape", "Holy Ghost", "Space and Time" and others. During the AudioSwap era of YouTube, users reacted negatively to these songs being very frequent on the site, but in YouTube's later days, "With a Spirit" became the site's unofficial anthem, as considered by users. It's an important aspect when referring to YouTube's Golden Era, along with low-resolution, low-framerate desktop capture videos (usually captured with the unregistered version of the software HyperCam 2), Club Penguin tutorials, mostly about hacking the game's currency, with the tutorial steps being written in Notepad, footage edited with Windows Movie Maker (usually using poor grammar and loudly colored characters in different fonts) and clickbait titles among others.[243]
- "All Star" – A song by rock band Smash Mouth known for its appearance in the 2001 film Shrek and its opening line "Somebody once told me". These two factors led the song to become a meme often associated with Shrek. The song has also been a large part of mashup culture, often being mashed up with various songs.[244] The band has also embraced the song's memes.[245]
- "Big Enough" - An EDM country song by Kirin J. Callinan. The music video for the song portrays Jimmy Barnes as a giant screaming cowboy in the sky. The video went viral when the sound of Barnes screaming was put over other screams in pop culture.[246]
- "Chum Drum Bedrum" – A video of Russian singer Vitas performing the 7th Element. The video went viral due to Vitas singing gibberish such as "Blr ha ha ha" which led to Vitas being known as "The Weird Russian Singer".[247][248]
- "Father Stretch My Hands Pt. 1" – A song by rapper Kanye West. Metro Boomin's signature producer tag, "If Young Metro don't trust you I'm gonna shoot ya" and entrance inspired various Vines and Memes about the song, usually involving somebody shooting a gun.[249][250]
- "Fireflies" – A 2009 song by Owl City that became revived as a meme in May 2017. In the meme, the song would play in random clips.[251] The song received further notability in June 2017 when Owl City was asked to interpret the lyric "I get a thousand hugs from 10,000 lightning bugs."[251][252]
- "For The Damaged Coda" – A 2000 song from alternative rock band Blonde Redhead popularlized by animated television series Rick And Morty spawned memes after the song was placed over sad moments in popular culture.[253]
- "Lazy Sunday" – A 2005 Saturday Night Live sketch written and performed by Andy Samburg and Chris Parnell in which the two engage in a hip-hop song about their plans for a lazy Sunday afternoon. The song was uploaded by fans to YouTube, at that time a relative small, new site, and had been watched by millions of users before it was taken down as a copyright violation by NBC. This created the idea of being able to provide reuse of television material on the Internet, giving shows a second life, and is stated to have established YouTube as a potential revenue source for television networks, contributing towards Google's purchase of the site for $1.6 billion in 2006.[254][255][256]
- "Man's Not Hot" – A freestyle rap by British comedian Michael Dapaah. The freestyle features Dapaah saying unintelligible phrases and words which made the video into a meme which was remixed with various songs.[257]
- "Mooo!" – A 2018 novelty song by American rapper Doja Cat who sings "Bitch I'm a cow / I'm not a cat / I don't go meow". The music video was filmed with a DIY green screen made out of a bed sheet and has gained over 72 million views on YouTube.[258][259][260][261]
- "Nyan Cat" – A video of an animated cat running through space, accompanied with a UTAU song which the lyrics are simply "Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya!". The video went viral after bloggers started reposting the song.[262]
- "Pokemon Go Song" – A song by YouTube personality Mishovy Silenosti. The video has surpassed 2.5 million views[263] and has become one of the most disliked YouTube videos.
- "Pokémon Theme Music Video" – A video featuring Ian Hecox and Anthony Padilla lip-syncing to the original English Pokémon theme song. The video became the most viewed video on YouTube at the time before it was removed.[264][265][266] The success of their Pokémon video and other videos led Smosh to be featured in the "Person of the Year: You" issue of Time Magazine, published December 13, 2006 and on Time.com.[267]
- "PPAP (Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen)" – A Japanese earworm-style music video performed by Pikotaro.[268][269][270]
- " 1, 2, Oatmeal" - A song originally published in German to the tune of Gourmet Race from Kirby Super Star. A few years later, it was translated into English. The translation is out of key and does not follow the format of the song; however, each verse repeats.
- "Redbone" - A 2016 song by music artist Childish Gambino. In early 2017, the song became a popular meme consisting of various remixes of the song to fit a certain theme.[271]
- "Shooting Stars" – A 2009 song by Australian band Bag Raiders that went viral in 2017. The song is usually accompanied with people falling with surreal, spacey backgrounds.[272] The meme has since been acknowledged by the band itself.[273]
- "Super Max!" – A 2016 song by Dutch Max Verstappen fan group The Pitstop Boys. The song and music video gained popularity during Verstappen's 2021 title run in Formula One.[274]
- "Surrender to Me" - A song recorded, but never released, by former Boston drummer William "Curly" Smith in 1978. In January 2022, Curly's son, Zach, discovered the song and posted a video on TikTok about the discovery.[275] After it gained popularity, Zach and Curly would then release "Surrender to Me" as a single under the name "FireCityFunk" in February 2022,[276] as well as appearing and performing the song on Jimmy Kimmel Live!.[277]
- Trololo – A 1976 televised performance of Russian singer Eduard Khil lip-syncing the song I Am Glad to Finally Be Home (Я очень рад, ведь я, наконец, возвращаюсь домой). The video's first mainstream appearance was on The Colbert Report, on 3 March 2010;[278] since then, its popularity has escalated, occasionally being used as part of a bait-and-switch prank, similar to Rickrolling.[279][280]
- To Be Continued – A series of short clips set to "Roundabout" by the progressive rock band Yes culminating with a "To Be Continued" card for humorous effect. A parody of a standard ending of the anime JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.[281]
- "Tunak Tunak Tun" – A 1998 song by Indian artist Daler Mehndi. The music video of the song features multiple images of Mehndi greenscreened over computer-generated landscapes. The reason why this was done were the critics, who complained that Mehndi's music was only popular because his music videos featured beautiful women dancing. Mehndi's response was to create a video that featured only himself.[282]
- "When Mama Isn't Home" – A video of a father playing trombone and a son playing an oven door to the song 'Freaks' by Timmy Trumpet and Savage (rapper) in October, 2014.[283] The video went viral on Vine and YouTube, and the father and son appeared on Morning TV talk shows and travelled to Europe to film a TV commercial for Hewlett Packard. The song went on to become a charting success reaching the Billboard viral charts Top 10, 6 x platinum status in Australia and number 1 in Savage's home country, New Zealand.[284][285]
- "We Are Number One"– A 2014 song by Stefán Karl Stefánsson (in character as Robbie Rotten) from the children's show LazyTown. In late 2016, the song went viral after Stefán Karl was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.[286][287]
- The Most Mysterious Song on the Internet - A New wave song which aired on a German radio station in 1984 thought to originate from a European band. Who created this song and the song's name in question is unknown. The mission to find the song gained popularity in 2019 after a Brazilian Reddit user asked the website if they knew of the song's origins.
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Fuming about mishandled baggage? Singing's the best revenge.
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- ^ 169.0 169.1 Textual transcripts of programs on which the CNN videos aired, are found at "CNN SATURDAY MORNING NEWS" (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) (6 March 2010), "CNN NEWSROOM" (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) (6 March 2010), and "CNN SUNDAY MORNING" (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) (7 March 2010).
- ^ Sawyer, Diane, "Persons of the Week" feature, ABC World News with Diane Sawyer (19 March 2010). National television news feature can be seen in the "Lisa Lavie's Interview with Diane Sawyer on ABC World News" (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) video posted to YouTube channel LLjustlikeamovie on 19 March 2010.
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