设计速率(英文:Design speed)是道路设计过程中用于确定新道路或街道几何特征的工具。 [來源請求] 与该词的含义相反,道路或街道的设计速率不一定是其速限或最大安全速率,可以更高也可以更低。
选择设计速率意味着在争夺优先权的多方之间找到平衡。例如:高车速是为了让驾驶能够快速到达目的地;而低车速是为了保证车外人员(例如行人和自行车)的安全。 選擇高峰交通時能夠快速移动(交通工程),還是最大化街道的经济发展潜力(城市规划)。
高速道路,其设计速率是決定超高率(Superelevation rate)、彎道半径、视距以及凸起型和凹陷型垂直曲線长度的主要因素。 [來源請求]设计速率较高的道路需要更宽的车道、 [1]宽阔的弯道、 [1]更宽的恢复区(recovery areas)、 [1]更宽的淨空區、 [1]更陡的弯道傾斜度、 更长的视距, 以及更平缓的山峰和山谷。
设计速率较低的道路和街道,會有更窄的车道、 [1]更尖锐/更急的弯道、 [1]更小的或没有清晰的区域、 [1]更少的倾斜、更短的视距以及更尖锐的山顶和山谷。[來源請求]
- 它是在道路建成之前,從理论或实验室中得到的测量结果。[來源請求]
- 设计速率不一定是道路的最大安全速率。由于高速公路的设计中纳入了重要的安全因素,因此当天气条件良好时,驾驶员可以毫无困难地以高于设计速率的速率行驶。 [2]
- 整條道路或路段的最高设计速率,會採用這條道路當中路況最糟的部分的设计速率。例如,某路段的設計速率為 60 英里/小时,但是其中有一段曲线,它的設計速率為 45 英里/小時。所以,整段路的設計速率将會是 45 英里/小时。在現實中,这条路可能在彎道上有 45 英里/小时的建议速限,而在路段的其餘部分則可以有更高的安全行駛速率。
- 设计速率可能高于法定速限,因此將某些道路的設計速率設定為其速限可能不合法。 [3] [4]
- 這是基於在設計速率確定時,就已經存在的車輛和現有道路的能力來決定的。车辆和道路技术通常会随着时间的推移而改进。因此,随着时间推移,设计速率低於最大安全速率的可能性越来越大。 [來源請求]
意識到使用设计速率来确定速限的局限性:「實際行使速率,甚至標示的速限,其限制可以高于设计速率,而不必然會牺牲安全性」 [5]並且「單靠推論而來的較低設計速率而隨意在特定地點設定較低速限,既不有效,也不是良好的工程实践。」 [6]
设计速率的概念正在不断发展。 1994 年版的美國各州公路暨運輸官員協會绿皮书[7]中,對設計速率的定义是“当環境条件非常有利,因而讓高速公路的设计特征在占據主要地位的情況下發揮作用,此時在高速公路的特定路段上可以保持的最大安全速率。假定的设计速率应与地形、邻近土地利用和公路功能分类相符合。”美国大多数州都使用这个定义。 [8] 2004年,第一句改为“一個選定的速率,用於確定道路各種幾何設計特徵”。 [9]这反映出满足最低设计速率不足以确保道路安全的事实。[來源請求]
最近,已经使用设计一致性(design consistency)的概念来代替最小设计速率,试图将驾驶人对道路的期望与道路设计联系起来。它使用驾驶人行为模型来预测高速公路路段(segments)上的车辆速率,并比较相邻路段的预测速率。从一个路段到下一个路段之間,若速率显着降低,這些地點會被标记为驾驶人可能因未能辨別前方路况而开得太快的位置。 [10]
关于城市和郊区街道的设计速率的理念也正在发生重大转变。公路工程师会测量道路上的当前速率,然後四舍五入速率到下一个 5 的倍数。接著假设這速率是安全的,再根据该速率设计道路。最近的研究[11]和设计实践[12]重点关注利用街道设计来影响驾驶人选择适合社区的速率。该速率称为“目标速率”,理想情况下等于速限。 [13]
- ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Marohn 2021,第6頁.
- ^ Design Speed, Operating Speed, and Posted Speed Practices (Report 504) (PDF) (报告). National Cooperative Highway Research Program. [2023-12-25]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2014-10-21).
Because of differences in design and operation criteria, there are locations where the posted speed limit based on an 85th percentile speed exceeds the roadway's design speed. This situation is because criteria used in highway design incorporate a significant factor of safety. Consequently, it is not surprising that motorists feel comfortable traveling at speeds greater than the roadway's design speed during good weather conditions. ... Although it is obvious that the "maximum" safe speed can be exceeded without difficulty on vertical and horizontal curves when good weather conditions are present, it is difficult to convince the general public that a roadway's design speed can be exceeded with safety.
- ^ WSDOT says roads can't support 90 MPH freeway passes - Seattle News - MyNorthwest.com. [2022-02-27]. (原始内容存档于2010-09-11).
- ^ CRITERIA FOR HIGH DESIGN SPEED FACILITIES (PDF). Tti.tasmu.edu. [9 November 2021]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2012-03-06).
- ^ Design Speed, Operating Speed, and Posted Speed Practices (Report 504) (PDF). National Cooperative Highway Research Program. [2023-12-25]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2014-10-21).
A significant concern with the 1954 design speed concept was the language of the definition and its relationship with operational speed measures. The term "maximum safe speed" is used in the definition, and it was recognized that operating speeds and even posted speed limits can be higher than design speeds without necessarily compromising safety. In 1997, Fambro et al. (15) recommended a revised definition of design speed for the Green Book while maintaining the five provisions noted above. The definition recommended was, "The design speed is a selected speed used to determine the various geometric design features of the roadway." The term "safe" was removed in order to avoid the perception that speeds greater than the design speed were "unsafe". The AASHTO Task Force on Geometric Design voted in November 1998 to adopt this definition and it was included in the 2001 Green Book (17).
- ^ Design Speed, Operating Speed, and Posted Speed Practices (Report 504) (PDF) (报告). National Cooperative Highway Research Program. [2023-12-25]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2014-10-21).
Arbitrarily setting lower speed limits at point locations due to a lower inferred design speed is neither effective nor good engineering practice.
- ^ A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets: 1994. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. 1995. ISBN 1-56051-068-4.
- ^ Design Speed, Operating Speed, and Posted Speed Practices (Report 504) (PDF). National Cooperative Highway Research Program. [2023-12-25]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2014-10-21).
- ^ A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets: 2004. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. 2004. ISBN 1-56051-263-6.
- ^ Evaluation of Design Consistency Methods for Two-Lane Rural Highways, Executive Summary (PDF). Federal Highway Administration. August 2000 [2023-12-25]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2024-02-14).
- ^ Designing Roads that Guide Drivers to Choose Safer Speeds (PDF). Connecticut Cooperative Highway Research Program. 2009 [2023-12-25]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2017-02-10).
- ^ New York State Highway Design Manual Chapter 25: Traffic Calming (PDF). New York State Department of Transportation. 1999 [2023-12-25]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2022-08-01).
- ^ Saint Louis Great Streets Initiative. Greatstreets-stl.org. [2013-08-29]. (原始内容存档于2023-12-26).
- Marohn, Charles. Confessions of a Recovering Engineer: Transportation for a Strong Town. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. 2021: 272 [7 November 2022]. ISBN 9781119699255. (原始内容存档于2022-11-07).