路易斯安那州立监狱(Louisiana State Penitentiary) ,又名南方惡魔島(Alcatraz of the South)、安哥拉種植園(The Angola Plantation)及農場(The Farm)[1],美國路易斯安那州一個最高安全级别的監獄。安哥拉的稱呼來自於這片領土的前奴隸種植園。該種植園以安哥拉國家命名,許多奴隸在抵達路易斯安那之前都來自西非安哥拉[2]。它是美國最大的最高安全级别監獄[3],佔地28平方英里,共有6,300名囚犯和1,800名工作人員,包括懲教人員、清潔職員、維修人員和典獄長。監獄位於西費利西亞納堂區,坐落在密西西比河河灣東側的河迹湖湖岸,三面都是水。
- ^ Sutton, Keith "Catfish". "Out There: Angola angling (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)". ESPN Outdoors. May 31, 2006. Retrieved on August 25, 2010.
- ^ Leeper, Clare d'Artois. "Angola". Louisiana Places: A Collection of the Columns from the Baton Rouge Sunday Advocate, 1960–1974. Legacy Publishing Company, 1976. Retrieved on September 24, 2011. "Angola (West Feliciana) is the name of the post office that serves the Louisiana Slate Penitentiary, and the two names are now used interchangeably."
- ^ Oshinsky, David. "The View From Inside (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)". The New York Times. June 11, 2010. Retrieved on August 24, 2010.
- "W. Feliciana's Angola probe may be extended". The Advocate. August 31, 1989.
- "Louisiana’s Angola: Proving ground for racialized capitalism (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)". by W.T. Whitney Jr., June 25, 2018.