Action對魔忍 | |
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![]() 應用程式圖標 | |
类型 | 動作角色扮演、砍殺 |
平台 | Android、iOS、Microsoft Windows |
开发商 | Gremory Games Lilith |
发行商 | Gremory Games Infini-Brain inc. |
系列 | 《對魔忍》 |
引擎 | Unity |
模式 | 单人、多人 |
发行日 |
《Action對魔忍》(日语:アクション対魔忍)是由Gremory Games主要開發兼發行的免費3D動作角色扮演手機遊戲,屬《對魔忍》系列。2019年12月24日在日本Android和iOS發行,之後由Lilith與Infini-Brain inc.移植至Microsoft Windows平台[3]。
《Action對魔忍》2019年12月24日在日本Android和iOS發行。在日本發行後不久,有玩家注意到遊戲中使用了Au5的〈Snowblind〉混音版,但卻未署名創作者。屆時,Gremory Games對侵犯版權問題致歉,同時採取措施避免未來發生類似情況。[8]
2020年6月,井河淺蔥的配音員被重新選角,渡部紗弓取代原本的小清水亞美[9]。9月,官方宣布遊戲將在全球市場上架Steam以及Android和iOS平台[10];除英語和日語外,遊戲將提供韓文、繁體中文、簡體中文和西班牙文版本[4]。2021年5月4日,日本伺服器與全球合併。日本伺服器定於7月27日關閉,敦促Lilith與Infini-Brain inc.為日本玩家轉移帳號[11]。
《連續星球》([Sequential Planet] 错误:{{Lang}}:文本有斜体标记(帮助))稱讚了遊戲的視覺效果和遊玩體驗,以及對F2P的友好態度。然而,也批評耐力系統、戰鬥和缺乏多樣的敵人。[12]DualShockers網站的伊恩·阿戈薩(Iyane Agossah)將《Action對魔忍》列入個人的2020年十大遊戲,稱讚本遊戲的故事並稱為「深入考究且出乎意料地棒」;但他也批評了對課金的積極需求和作業感[13]。
- ^ Pearson, Ryan. Action Taimanin Launches December 24 on iOS. Niche Gamer. 2019-12-09 [2020-11-28]. (原始内容存档于2020-12-07).
- ^ Pearson, Ryan. Free to Play Hack and Slash Action RPG Action Taimanin Available Now on Steam. Niche Gamer. 2020-10-06 [2020-11-28]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-07).
- ^ Stenbuck, Kite. Action Taimanin Will Launch Worldwide on Steam and Mobile Devices. Siliconera. 2020-09-08 [2020-11-28]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-04).
Although Gremory Games is handling the mobile releases of Action Taimanin, the PC version on Steam is published by Infini-Brain, the parent company of the LiLith brand that has been developing the Taimanin series.
- ^ 4.0 4.1 Stenbuck, Kite. Action Taimanin Will Launch Worldwide on Steam and Mobile Devices. Siliconera. 2020-09-08 [2021-09-06]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-04).
- ^ 5.0 5.1 Nguyen, Lisa. Action Taimanin Will Launch Worldwide On PC And Mobile This Fall. HappyGamer. 2020-09-17 [2021-09-04]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-05).
- ^ 溫帶閒魚. 3D女忍者!《對魔忍》參展TGS將發表《Action對魔忍》3DRPG手遊新作. 4Gamers. 2019-09-02 [2021-09-04]. (原始内容存档于2021-09-04).
- ^ Mr. Qoo. [Qoo News] Action Taimanin Arrives iOS Devices on 24th December. QooApp. 2019-11-21 [2021-02-03]. (原始内容存档于2022-01-11).
- ^ @ActionTaimanin. We have received reports that our game, Action Taimanin, has caused a case of copyright violation. We have validated the product and confirmed that we have violated copyright when we used part of the song "Snowblind", owned by Au5, as the in-game background music. We have already removed said music from the game and other related materials in order to prevent further complications. We would like to address our deepest regrets and sincerest apologies on our negligent decisions which has caused the current copyright violation issues. We assure you that we will take whatever measures we need to take in order to resolve the situations, and we reassure you that we shall not repeat such inappropriate behavior in the future in the future. We appreciate your understandings, and we apologize for the inconvenience. (推文). 2019-12-26 –通过Twitter.
- ^ 【重要】「井河アサギ」キャラクターボイス担当変更について. アクション対魔忍. 2020-06-23 [2020-02-02]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-25).
- ^ Stenbuck, Kite. Action Taimanin Will Launch Worldwide on Steam and Mobile Devices. Siliconera. 2020-09-08 [2021-01-14]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-04).
- ^ Stenbuck, Kite. Action Taimanin Japanese Version Will Close To Merge With Global Server. Siliconera. 2021-04-14 [2021-05-03]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-04).
- ^ Orchard, Marcus. Action Taimanin: The Good and The Bad. Sequential Planet. 2020-10-07 [2020-11-28]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-19).
- ^ Agossah, Iyane. DualShockers' Favorite Games of 2020 — Iyane's Top 10. DualShockers. 2021-01-01 [2021-01-26]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-31).