- ISBN 9787553800028. (原始内容存档于2021-03-09). 趙烈文撰《能静居日记》同治六年七月二十日日记:“至后园登台而望,少选,师亦至,遽谈,问沅师收城时事。余曰:'沅师坐左右之人累之耳,其实,子女玉帛无所与也。各员弁自文案以至外差诸人,则人置一簏。有得辄开簏藏纳,客至,则倾身障之,丑态可掬。'师狂笑,继…59 KB(8,894个字) - 2025年1月15日 (三) 11:23
- con-currently Dean of College of Law,National Changchun University 1945; author of:"Theory of Banking; Principles of Public Finance;" "Principles of Money…3 KB(339个字) - 2024年1月14日 (日) 08:45
- Ministry of Interior; Director of the China Economic Research Institute; author of "Guide to District Administration," "The Northwestern Angle".」,《Who's…6 KB(645个字) - 2024年1月14日 (日) 08:40
- now, member of Legislative Yuan and Professor of University of Nanking; author; "History of Public Finance of China" and "Principles of Taxation"; address:…7 KB(854个字) - 2024年1月14日 (日) 08:44
- Central Party Headquarters; now, member of People's Political Council; author of following books: "Tientsin Incident and Japanese Imperialism," published…6 KB(907个字) - 2024年1月14日 (日) 08:50
- Tien-kwoh: The History of the Ti-ping Revolution, Including a Narrative of the Author's Personal Adventures. Day & Son. 1866: 351–352 [2019-11-26]. (原始内容存档于2020-06-10)…8 KB(1,252个字) - 2024年11月26日 (二) 07:45
- held a conference in Mangshih on Yunnan territory." ‘FLOWER DRUM SONG’ AUTHOR C.Y. LEE DIES AT 102. www.rafu.com. 2019-02-07 [2019-09-02]. (原始内容存档于2019-09-02)…176 KB(23,305个字) - 2025年1月7日 (二) 12:53