光電報(英語:Optical telegraph)是指事前設置一系列由一人或多人操作的光學指示設備,並藉由視覺訊號(光通訊的形式)的電報組合,長距離傳遞文字訊息。由於光電報可以傳遞和讀取的距離受到地理和天氣的限制,因此在實際應用上,其長距離的訊息傳遞往往需仰賴大量中繼塔的設置。其中藉由把數個中繼塔串聯起來,讓每一個中繼塔重複前一個中繼塔的訊號,使得訊息能夠在短時間內傳遞相當長的距離。這樣的方式遠比藉由驛遞員傳遞訊息更為可靠,而且長期經營的成本也相對較低。不過除非有島嶼可以設置中繼塔,否則光電報往往無法穿越大片的水域。
- 訊號電報:使用可以控制的指示工具,並依照指示工具事前設定的方式傳達訊息。
- 號誌電報:使用可以旋轉的面板阻擋或傳遞光線,藉此傳達訊息。
- ^ Burns 2004,Chapter 2: Semaphore Signalling
- ^ Telegraph. Encyclopædia Britannica 10 6th. 1824: 645–651.
- ^ David Brewster (编). Telegraph. The Edinburgh Encyclopaedia 17. 1832: 664–667.
- Burns, R. W. Communications: an international history of the formative years. 2004. ISBN 978-0-86341-327-8.
- Crowley, David and Heyer, Paul (ed) (2003) 'Chapter 17: The optical telegraph' Communication in History: Technology, Culture and Society (Fourth Edition) Allyn and Bacon, Boston pp. 123–125
- Edelcrantz, Abraham Niclas, Afhandling om Telegrapher ("A Treatise on Telegraphs"), 1796, as translated in ch. 4 of Holzmann & Pehrson.
- Holzmann, Gerard J.; Pehrson, Bjorn, The Early History of Data Networks, John Wiley & Sons, 1995 ISBN 0818667826.
- Huurdeman, Anton A., The Worldwide History of Telecommunications, John Wiley & Sons, 2003 ISBN 0471205052.
- Chappe's semaphore (an illustrated history of optical telegraphy)
- Webpage including a map of England's telegraph chains (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Diagrams and maps of Murray's U.K. semaphore stations (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Chart of Murray's shutter-semaphore code (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Photo and diagrams of Popham's U.K. semaphore stations (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Map of visual telegraph (semaphore) and electrical telegraph lines in Italy, 1860 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) (義大利語)
- Details on the history of the Blanc brothers fraudulant use of the Semophore line (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Live recreation of the Spanish optical telegraph code (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) (西班牙語)